DhasanGC unveils an affordable business consultancy service which cost just a fraction of an average salary!




DhasanGC is exited to unveil the subscription based business consultancy service. This is the most user-friendly business consultation service offered by us which has a solution for everyone from StartUp businesses to large enterprises. Our business consultancy experts are based all around the globe with global experience.

Both Local and Foreign businesses will have access to this service, key benefits of this service is that businesses or top managers will get the luxury to have a business expert by their side at all times through WhatsApp at as well. So as and when a problem arrises they can simply get some advice from the advisor without waiting for organising meeting. The cheapest package to get this facility with one to one online meeting per month to solve all crucial matters and take discussions further. However. besides the Enterprise package, others only have WhatsApp support on working days.

DhasanGC believes this subscription system provides greater flexibility and ease of use for the customer and provides an affordable solution for customers, especially startup businesses and business with limited capital.

DhasanGC MD/CEO Mr C D Liyanage said "We wanted to create affordable business consultation service which is also very effective, running a business comes with challenges and it is always handy to have an expert beside you to guide you during tough times, our services provide a unique opportunity to get support from the expert just like asking a friend and everything for just a small monthly payment which is mostly a fraction of an average salary.

We are reinventing a new business model to serve our customers to provide them with a better and much more exiting service whilst serving their purpose and to fully impress our customers.

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